Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 8

It's my second Sunday. It seems appropriate to focus on how my spiritual goals are going.

I learned something really amazing about God this week. Amazing, and humbling. I realized that I needed to make some spiritual improvements in my life. That is perhaps the biggest reason why I started this experiment. But in doing so, I also realized turning my spiritual life into an 'experiment' would be a little hypocritical to the Lord.

And indeed, when I knelt down to pray on Day 1, I felt nothing but hypocrisy on my lips. It was almost like I was saying, "Okay God, I'm giving you 35 days. 35 days that I'm going to pay closer attention to our relationship. 35 days to be a fair weather friend." And true to that feeling, it was a hollow experience.

But lovingly, despite my reasons for returning to a more intimate form of communication with Him, He has instilled me with a few glimpses this week of his Tender Mercies. Mostly this is personal, so I won't discuss it here, but I do feel to be true to this experiment, I need to document it here. This week has left me feeling more inspired. And humbled to know that even though my effort has been embarrassingly small, the Lord has doubled that effort in return, and that leaves me with an incredible sense of HOPE!