Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 5

Want to cure a bad habit? Replace it with a different habit. Isn't that what we've been taught?

Well, I think I've stumbled on to my saving grace in overcoming late night television viewing and the need for caffeine. I call it: The Crackberry! Yep, I converted this week to a media phone. And I have to say, it may be the answer to a lot of my problems!

I thought I would live this regimented schedule for 35 days without fail. What I am finding is that I set far too many goals for myself to live them all perfectly. The human failing in me (aka: Meredith) says, "You didn't have any Dr. Pepper today, you deserve to stay up late watching TV." Or, "You didn't swear at all yesterday, so why not use two today to make up for it!" More difficult than overcoming bad habits, is overcoming self justification!

One thing I would change in doing this experiment again is that I have given myself far too many variables. If I start feeling more energy I can't really say whether it's because I am drinking less caffeine and simple sugars, I'm getting up earlier, going to bed earlier, or studying the gospel. I mean, why change all of these behaviors, if only one is making a difference:)